Author: The Accidental Disruptor

My four-year-old can often be found these days acting like some sort of cartoon character, stamping his foot because he can't get his own way. As his parent it's my job to hold the line and teach him that in..
Why is an industry that is full of liberal people desperate to do right so afraid of change? Why do we all doff our caps at the same organisations and people with gratitude when they've deemed to give us a..
Ever since I opened The MTA back in 2009 there's always been a rumbling of grievance around the fact that drama colleges charge for auditions. It's one of the regular 'hot topics' that pop up from time to time. Before..
Way, way back when the pandemic began (& yes you can singalong if you know the reference) I predicted that the pandemic would expose the mental health epidemic which was growing in the UK There was an inevitability to this prediction,..
As we attempt to navigate the latest path out of the pandemic some of the residual anger and resentment that we saw build up during the lockdown has stayed with us. Lockdown forced everyone to become reflective. World events shone..
 I've read several conflicting articles over the past couple of weeks about how much better our industry is coping with mental health since the pandemic. Some claim that we're really getting on top of it all now with lots of..
When discussing the current unrest in the world somebody said to me the other week that things would definitely change this time because we now have social media raising awareness. It was said with utter belief and optimism that our..
 As regular readers will know I'm somewhat addicted to people watching on social media. Spotting the people that are forever hankering for 'likes' and 'followers', the ones that pop on once in a blue moon when they're bored, or are..
TW: This blog discusses mental illness, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, anxiety, OCD plus a healthy dose of ignorance about all the above! Last week I had the absolute pleasure of chatting to Hazel Leishman, one of my 2020 graduates, on an instalive..
 How long is too long to be training? Well in reality we are essentially training our whole lives, aren't we? We are forever the student trying to hone our skills and develop new ones. In the US it's standard practice..