It's been several months since news of a growing "scandal" on Strictly Come Dancing started being written about in the press. This is not a programme I watch other than when some friends have been on it - in which..
Back in 2021 when The MTA first announced that it was closing (don't ask. . . it turned out to be a dress run for the following year) I said in our press release that we wouldn't be the last..
Over on Deadline Jake Kanter has been writing articles on the poor practice still taking place in UK drama colleges. His latest article features yet more stories coming out of Arts Ed, this time focused on the Principal who was..
I've just been reading an article in today's Telegraph claiming that the acting world is "crueller" than it's ever been. I would completely agree that the industry did not "build back better" after the pandemic, however it's also true to..
This week Read College joined the depressing list of colleges that have been forced to close over the last few years. Like The MTA they managed to "save" themselves at first but only lasted a few months before coming to..
The other day, I received a great email informing me that SOLT and UK Theatre were partnering with The Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority (CIISA). The CIISA's remit was to improve standards of behaviour across the creative industries. You can..
Increasingly I'm amazed by the bad practice in our industry that goes unchallenged and perversely accepted. For sure people speak in code about this bully or that abuser, and very occasionally some brave soul will expose the secret and name..
In 2016 when we initiated the #time4change mental health charter to seduce drama colleges, we wrote a charter that included agents, producers and theatres. The idea was that those colleges reluctant to buy into the idea of better mental health..
This week's "showbiz" news centred around the fact that David Walliams was no longer going to judge the popular TV programme - Britain's Got Talent. The headlines centred around the fact that he had been removed after the media reported..
There was a brief moment in 2020 when it felt like the world would unite in its fight against an insidious virus. Within our lockdowns, there was a sense of community. If a neighbour was forced to isolate others would..