It's been several months since news of a growing "scandal" on Strictly Come Dancing started being written about in the press. This is not a programme I watch other than when some friends have been on it - in which..
As soon as an organisation is reluctant to investigate something my immediate thought is that they're covering something up. That's not to say that they are. . . but having run a business I understand that reputation is everything. Therefore..
Seldom have I been so frustrated than I've been this weekend reading the media (legacy and social) coverage that Central has had over the fact that they've decided to scrap their audition fees. People lauding them as trailblazers, industry professionals..
I've been following with interest the long thread of polls that the girls over on the 98% pod put out a week ago. Firstly if you don't follow/listen to the 98% pod you really should. Katie and Alexa speak for..
Prior to the partygate storm resurfacing this week my social media timeline was slowly getting flooded by people speaking out about OfSted Inspections. For what it's worth I'm in complete agreement that schools need to be held accountable and indeed..
The other day, I received a great email informing me that SOLT and UK Theatre were partnering with The Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority (CIISA). The CIISA's remit was to improve standards of behaviour across the creative industries. You can..
In 2016 when we initiated the #time4change mental health charter to seduce drama colleges, we wrote a charter that included agents, producers and theatres. The idea was that those colleges reluctant to buy into the idea of better mental health..
Yesterday my social media feeds were filled with people desperately attempting to fundraise to save Read College. According to their posts they have until 12th December to raise £40,000 in order to re-open in January. Once again students were online..
I know, I know, I'm like a stuck record when it comes to this topic - but having just seen the announcement of a new drama college opening in 2023, it's prompted me to write about it. . . again..
Since graduating from college (back in the dark ages) I've always taught as my in-between job aka the job that pays the bills. I was lucky enough to have secured a teaching job the moment I graduated at a new..