Author: The Accidental Disruptor

 I mean it sounds like a Stephen King novel doesn't it? Like some odious triffid-like creature that threatens the mere existence of us mere mortals. Before you correct me I'm aware that it was John Wyndham that created the triffids,..
Welcome to the new home of The Accidental Disruptor Blog A Disruptor: A person or thing that prevents something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected . . . but here’s the thing, I..
Since the first lockdown, I've been fascinated by the work of the conspiracy theorists that have worked solidly for nearly two years now to portray themselves as enlightened, whilst nicknaming all the rest of us mere mortals as sheep. As..
When covid hit and we were faced with the bizarre reality of being confined to our homes none of us could have guessed quite how long those "strange times" would last. When the theatres went dark in March 2020 it's..
It's been a wee while since we've caught up with the Trinity "case". In the past couple of weeks we received the result of the external arbiter's investigation, plus a defiant letter from the Chair of the Board, which once..
All I wanted to do was to run a small drama college, when things went tits up last year I took time to process it all and then just move on, and in truth whilst I've found this year's closure..
I'm not really sure how this happened but over the past few years, the idea of elite training has become a bad concept, synonymous with "exclusive", and frowned upon in an era when everybody should be able to access everything...
 It's been over a week now since The MTA announced that it was closing in Sept 2022. That's a week of everybody including me attempting to process the news. Having bizarrely gone through this week last year too I'm struck..
My mum, a staunch unionist, always taught me about social responsibility. She would always call out injustice wherever she saw it. She inspired me to do the same.  This ongoing discussion will not help the college, but if it holds..
I'm aware that I'm posting a lot about Trinity. I'm aware that it could be perceived to be sour grapes, or bitterness even that something just didn't go the way that I would have liked to. Here's the thing though, only..