Yesterday my social media feeds were filled with people desperately attempting to fundraise to save Read College. According to their posts they have until 12th December to raise £40,000 in order to re-open in January. Once again students were online..
In the middle of the pandemic I wrote a blog about the 7 stages of grief in a bid to try and help a few people that I'd spoken to that were struggling mid-lockdown. It's sometimes easy to forget that..
I know, I know, I'm like a stuck record when it comes to this topic - but having just seen the announcement of a new drama college opening in 2023, it's prompted me to write about it. . . again..
I know, I know - it's another ranty blog about "the establishment", but at the moment this stuff is particularly raw for obvious reasons. Yesterday I was made aware of this article in The Stage where the LAMDA Chair Shaun..
It's fair to say that the last couple of months have been quite hard going. Finding out as late as we did that a benefactor had on reflection decided not to give the college the money that we had been..
 When I opened The MTA back in 2009 I always knew that I wanted to create a #college4life. I used to joke with the students that it was so much more than a hashtag, but in truth, I don't think..
It's been a wee while since we've caught up with the Trinity "case". In the past couple of weeks we received the result of the external arbiter's investigation, plus a defiant letter from the Chair of the Board, which once..
All I wanted to do was to run a small drama college, when things went tits up last year I took time to process it all and then just move on, and in truth whilst I've found this year's closure..
My mum, a staunch unionist, always taught me about social responsibility. She would always call out injustice wherever she saw it. She inspired me to do the same.  This ongoing discussion will not help the college, but if it holds..
I'm aware that I'm posting a lot about Trinity. I'm aware that it could be perceived to be sour grapes, or bitterness even that something just didn't go the way that I would have liked to. Here's the thing though, only..